Ranking Apple TV+'s Top 10 Best Original Series

6. For All Mankind

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For All Mankind's premise is the age-old question of what would have happened if the Russian's had got to the moon first.

The fact is they didn't and people have moved on from that over 50 years later. However, For All Mankind pushes forward with this preposition anyway and yields some rather interesting television as a result.

For All Mankind's attention to detail is to be admired. Everything feels like it comes from that 1960s and '70's era, and nothing is left to aesthetically break this illusion. The performances, too, from the cast are slick and well put forward, especially from Joel Kinnaman who seems to be getting better and better with every role he takes on.

As an example of production value and story scope, you will be hard-pressed to find something more dedicated than For All Mankind. That being said, it isn't perfect in its delivery, so much of the show feel slightly unbalanced by the sheer volume of major characters it portrays, therefore some storylines can be rushed.

Then there is the biggest problem of all, which is did For All Mankind ever need to be made? The moon landings are such an important feat of technical achievement in human history, and the fact that it was done at all after 300,000 years of Homo sapien existence is mind-blowing, but it is now a remnant of a time long passed.

Nobody was clamouring for a series that depicted a what-if question about space travel set during the Cold War, in the same way nobody was clamouring for Moonraker. On the merits of the show that was made, For All Mankind is still a fine series to watch and become enthralled by.


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