Ranking Every Doctor Who Trailer Worst To Best

6. #SaveTheDay

It is such a shame to put the 50th Anniversary trailer in the bottom half of the table but let's look at the facts on this one. It all starts so well too – the iconic opening shot of the entire series of a policeman doing his rounds outside I.M.Foreman's yard in Totter's Lane gives way to a high-definition William Hartnell and the original form of the Daleks.

We then are treated to a visual frenzy of classic Who: the first sonic screwdriver, Tom Baker's doctor in full garb with jelly babies surrounding him, the sadly departed Elizabeth Sladen as Sarah-Jane Smith, and Jon Pertwee in classic fencing riposte.

Then it all breaks down very quickly; Sarah-Jane gives way to Clara Oswald and we whoosh through what can only be described as a Who-themed Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band cover that briefly flashes on screen, past a two-dimensional David Tennant and finally reaching the Eleventh Doctor, only to zoom out to a starfield with the date of the special and.... sigh... the hashtag #SaveTheDay.

BBC, please... not every programme has to have hashtags for people to be talking about it! It's a crying shame that every Doctor from Davison to Eccleston was given less than 2 seconds in this trailer, and given David Tennant's involvement in the special it seems surprising that he was reduced to a cardboard cutout. But the main point remains.. please, no hashtags!!

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Christopher Steven hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.