Ranking Every Doctor Who Trailer Worst To Best

4. Nothing Will Ever Be The Same Again

Whereas most viewers are used to the idea of regeneration by now, this wasn't always the case; and the departure of Christopher Eccleston after the first series led some people to believe that the revival wouldn't last long.

This is directly addressed in the opening seconds when David Tennant opens his eyes, directly addresses us and says “Think you've seen it all? Think again...”. We are then treated to an onslaught of “new worlds, terrifying monsters, and impossible things” which left viewers immediately clambering to YouTube and pausing just to get a glimpse of what they would be seeing in weeks to come.

And yes, showcasing the full on kiss between Rose and The Doctor is pure fan cajoling at it's best, but as it's explained in the confines of the story, the fans can forgive this. Right? Right?? Anyway, moving on...

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Christopher Steven hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.