Ranking Every Season Of The Walking Dead (So Far)

9. Season Eight

Rick Walking Dead
Gene Page/AMC

Despite Season Seven's lukewarm addition to the series, Season Eight starts off relatively well. The gunfights are well executed and fun to watch, and it seems early on that everything will be tied up pretty quick. But it doesn't happen this way. The strong start ends quickly and reverts back to the doom and hopeless gloom of the previous season.

Many characters once more fail to receive compelling storylines, and despite more consistent appearances in the season, characters such as Daryl, Carol and Carl feel once more relegated to the sidelines. Other characters, namely Morgan Jones and Negan, become fully annoying this season, their arcs repetitive and often boring.

Also, we can't talk about Season Eight without mentioning the colossal mistake of killing Carl. After everything he had gone through, to go out with a bite is both lazy and infuriating. It seems as though the writers wanted to shock us, but they went the wrong about it and Carl's death is still seen by many as unnecessary.

Despite these faults, there are some silver linings. Rick's changing perception of war is surprisingly well done and effective, and Ezekiel and Jerry's bromance is stronger than ever. But that's about it.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.