Ranking Every Season Of The Walking Dead (So Far)

8. Season Six

Rick Walking Dead

Season Six begins strong and promises big things, but slowly begins to get a bit slow. Ultimately, though, it is a good season overall. The hoard threatening Alexandria is the Survivors' biggest test yet, and Morgan's return to Rick is great to see. Negan's speech leading to Season Seven is menacing and brilliantly acted, and Deanna Monroe gets a badass final stand during the fall of Alexandria.

It has some faults in the middle, and the constant teasing of Negan becomes tiresome fast. The Wolves end up being quite easy to defeat despite their original threat level. Glenn's fake-out death will forever be a sore subject for Walking Dead fans, and the less said about the Anderson Family the better.

Still, with the bad points there are also some great episodes, including Morgan's "Here's Not Here" and Enid's "JSS", both of which are some of the best episodes the show has ever made. There's just not enough of it to make this season any higher on this list.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.