Ranking Every Superhero TV Show From Worst To Best
1. Jessica Jones
Ok, so Netflix had done it once with Daredevil, but could they repeat the trick? They had that success in their favour, but Jessica Jones was still a bit of an uncertain proposition - a character unknown to mainstream audiences, and a rare female-driven superhero show (not that it's unwelcome, of course).
As it turned out, Netflix and Marvel weren't just capable of repeating the trick, but bettering it (at least in my opinion, though Daredevil seems to have slightly more favour with audiences).
Jessica Jones perfectly builds on this dark underworld to the Avengers created by Daredevil, but while it shares some similarities, it's also unlike anything else we've seen before from Marvel.
Sure, Jessica Jones is a superhero show, in that its lead character has superpowers and faces off against a supervillain. But Jones is so much more than that, a series daring to be about something outside of crime-fighting.
It's the tale of a rape survivor, who deals with PTSD, battles alcohol addiction, and touches on subjects like abortion, depression, and abuse. Jones struggles to overcome all of this, especially when forced to come face to face with her abuser, the monstrous Kilgrave (played with a wicked delight by David Tennant).
Being female driven and tackling tough themes can make the show feel important, but doesn't necessarily guarantee quality of course. Thankfully, Jones has that in spades too, and it's the way it handles those subjects that makes it the best superhero TV show around. Tennant has (deservedly) received a lot of praise for his work, but this is Ritter's show, and she's at turns angry, hurt, scared, funny, and strong as Jessica, and incredibly convincing as someone suffering under the weight of all she's been through. It's not perfect, and like most Netflix series has some issues with pacing and carrying the story across 13 episodes, while some viewers may struggle with the subject matter.
But the show, which packages itself as a hard-boiled detective noir, looks fantastic, has a dark humour to it that the first season of Daredevil didn't, and brings sex into the MCU - its DNA shares as much with shows like Buffy and Angel (as a more adult progression of both) as it does Marvel.
It's dark, violent, intense, important, gripping stuff, and it's the best example of just how good superhero TV can be.
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