10 Greatest Punisher Moments From Daredevil: Season 2

9. Pawn Star

Jon Bernthal Punisher Daredevil

This is the first time that Frank Castle shows his true colours as more than just a man out for revenge for the murder of his family. This scene, the second time we see Frank and hear him say more than one word, shows how he is going through a metamorphosis as a man who has taken it upon himself to punish the truly wicked.

Visiting a dodgy pawn shop in order to garner some radio equipment (alongside the store's surveillance tape and the double barrel shotgun he instinctively devises is beneath the counter), Frank is about to leave when the shop owner's greed gets the better of him. 

Offered porn that stars a girl who is 'barely twelve', Frank, reminiscent of a modern-day Travis Bickle, stops, turns the shops sign to 'Closed' and saunters towards the owner, picking up a baseball bat along the way.

What makes this scene a true standout is that this man had nothing to do with what happened to Frank's family but it shows how Castle can clearly and mercilessly take it upon himself to dole out his sentence as judge, jury and executioner to any who stray from his moral code.


When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.