Ranking The 20 Best Arrowverse Costumes

10. Black Canary (Laurel Lance)

Arrowverse Elseworlds Crossover 1539243739602_1280w
The CW

Laurel Lance's personal journey throughout Arrow's first three seasons eventually culminated with her becoming the Black Canary. Paying tribute to her then-dead sister, Sara, she sought to expel crime from Star City once and for all. But to do it, she needed her own costume.

Laurel's costume was more of a logical combat suit, covering her body from head-to-toe and was rounded off by a lot of buckles. She also carried around a tonfa to assault criminals with.

Perhaps the wig was a little overkill as the show was attempting to make her too much like Sara's successor, instead of portraying her as the original Black Canary that she was, but when it was dropped the following year, she looked amazing.

In addition, the suit deserves praise for attempting to be different. Though Sara's outfit was somewhat more reminiscent of the comic book Black Canary, Laurel's complemented her own arc beautifully as she had gone down the boxing and self-defence route (as opposed to Sara who was a trained assassin). The only real criticism here is that we didn't get longer to appreciate it on the original Laurel, who was unjustly killed off in one of the show's most horrendous storylines.

All that being said, it's lovely to see Black Siren wearing it these days.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.