Ranking The 20 Best Arrowverse Costumes

8. Zoom

Arrowverse Elseworlds Crossover 1539243739602_1280w
The CW

The team behind The Flash had an incredibly tall task when it came to finding a Big Bad for Season 2 that could be anywhere near as formidable as the Reverse-Flash. But somehow, they pulled it off and produced what was easily the most terrifying villain in all of the Arrowverse - Zoom.

While a lot of Zoom's strengths lay in his intriguing backstory and flawed motivations, it's hard to deny that his strongest attribute wasn't his appearance. His all-black bodysuit looked vaguely like the show's traditional speedster uniforms, but it was the small differences that made it so damn frightening.

The mask covered his face completely, with a series of "rips" in its mouth area to allow him to speak, and this wrinkled texture, along with his sharp nails, gave him a zombified appearance that was only made worse by his raspy voice. All of this ensured that the Earth-2 speedster was, and likely always will be, the most fightening Big Bad that the Arrowverse had ever seen.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.