Ranking The 20 Best Arrowverse Costumes

7. Arsenal

Arrowverse Elseworlds Crossover 1539243739602_1280w
The CW

Roy Harper found himself in the Arrow's crosshairs when he too began helping the helpless of Starling City. Aiding the vigilante throughout the first two seasons, he simply wore a red hoodie to protect his identity. However, when Season 3 rolled around, Roy had gotten himself some nice new threads.

Arsenal's costume was obviously inspired by the hoodie, but it also bore a lot of similarities to Oliver's original Arrow suit - except that it was a lot more stylish and, to be quite honest, it was a little cooler. Made out of a shinier red leather, the hooded jacket and pants had a unique lacing design that really helped set it apart from the Green Arrow's.

It was a major upgrade from his street clothes and looked so darn good that it was frustrating that he only got to spend one season wearing it (before his eventual return in Season 7). In spite of that, it looked equally as great on Thea when she sported it as Speedy.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.