Ranking The 20 Best Arrowverse Costumes

13. The Canary

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The CW

When the blonde "woman in black" showed up on Arrow, it was pretty obvious that she was taking her cues from the Black Canary. Though it was clear that it wasn't Laurel (as she was nowhere near ready to be a vigilante at this stage), it was hard not to consider the possibility, given her comic book origins.

That in itself was a testament to how good her disguise was, because it was impossible to deduce The Canary's true identity just by looking at her, so when it was revealed that it was actually the long thought-to-be-dead Sara Lance, fans completely lost their minds.

As The Canary, Sara was nothing short of fierce. Sporting a blonde wig, a domino mask and dressed completely in black leather, she embraced the sensuality that Black Canary of the comic books was renowned for. This, of course, gelled rather well with her confident attitude and allowed her to look as badass as possible whenever she unleashed her incredible fighting skills on the thugs of Starling.

The sight of The Canary silently dropping out of the sky is easily one of the best visuals Arrow has ever produced, and it was a great way for Sara to showcase this wonderful attire.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.