Ranking The 20 Best Arrowverse Costumes

12. Deathstroke

Arrowverse Elseworlds Crossover 1539243739602_1280w
The CW

When that instantly recognisable half-orange mask face emerged from the surrounding darkness, even the most formidable of characters would have been forgiven for running in the opposite direction. Slade Wilson's M.O. was all about striking fear into the hearts of his enemies (before he drove his blade into them) and, once he donned that intimidating costume, he could consider that mission pretty much accomplished.

Given the relatively grounded nature of the show at the time, the Arrow costume designer went for a more grounded style and thus, Deathstroke rocked a more padded combat-ready suit which differed greatly from the sleek armour he wore in the comics. While this did result in him looking a little bulkier than his comic book counterpart, it never slowed the sword-weilding assassin down. If anything, it actually made him all the more terrifying.

Though Manu Bennett would occasionally unleash his seductive accent when wearing the suit, the fact of the matter is that this Deathstroke didn't have to speak at all, and he would still have been badass. The large suit did the talking and, coupled with that iconic orange and black helmet, it was a sight to behold every time it appeared on-screen.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.