Ranking The Best Classic Top Gear Specials Worst To Best

3. US Special

Jeremy Clarkson Laughing Top Gear

Who'd have thought that the least interesting place they have ever been for a special would still be one of the best?

Well, the USA special had it all, gangsters, hillbillys, a town called Bagdad, a man with gold teeth, and a bloke called Robert The Persian. Only in America would you find this eclectic mix of people that made the USA special so watchable.

The cars were thus, May's Cadillac Brougham, Hammond's Dodge Ram pick-up truck (feat an alloy), and Clarkson's Chevvy Camaro. To break it down further for you, Hammond's truck wasn't too bad but he looked awful in it, Jeremy's Camaro had strangers clothes in it from the off, and May's Cadillac hadn't so much as seen better days as was on life support.

The highlights of the episode were, of course, fat Stig, Hammond's truck almost ending up in a river filled with alligators, and the famous hillbilly chase.

When the trio decorated their compatriots' cars to get the most unwanted attention as part of a challenge, they never imagined it'd lead to them being chased along the highway by pick up trucks filled with angry locals.

With slogans such as, 'Hillary for President', 'Country and Western is Rubbish', 'Nascar Sucks', and 'Man-Love Rules OK', it isn't too hard to see what happened in Alabama and it made for one of the greatest moments in Top Gear's history.

Best Car: Jeremy's Camaro (Just Followed By Hammond's Pick Up)

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