Ranking The Best Classic Top Gear Specials Worst To Best

2. Bolivia Special

Jeremy Clarkson Laughing Top Gear

The real strength in the Bolivia special lays with the presenters themselves. They had never been challenged like this before in so many differing types of terrain and weather, yet they soldiered on with their cars regardless.

The banter between the three of them started when they were on the way to the meeting point, arguing over if what Jeremy had pinned down in the boat was a piranha or not. From there it just got better with Hammond's Toyota consistently from the off being broken and useless.

May bought a Suzuki SJ 40 which other than his admitted worry of it falling over, never really went wrong. Though the real star was Clarkson's Range Rover, which proved to be an absolute beast as it pushed through everything deserts, rainforests, mountains, and a volcano could throw at it.

There were so many stand out moments here, with Hammond taking caramelised cocaine, Jeremy nearly falling down a ravine in a nailbiting moment where he passes another car on the mountain death road, and James may swearing at the both of them if they should try and drive into him whilst at altitude on said road.

One of the few specials where not all the cars made it. Hammond's Toyota Land Cruiser rolled down a sand dune without him in it right at the end, though the moment was staged, it was quite clear that his car wouldn't have made it down the larger dune they had to drive down to complete the challenge.

Best Car: Jeremy's Range Rover (Though May's Suzuki Was Great Too)

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