Ranking The It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia Gang In Order Of Depravity

2. Frank Reynolds

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 10

Dennis and Dee’s legal-but-not-biological father Frank was once a wealthy and successful businessman. However, following his divorce and subsequent acquisition into the gang, his behaviour has become increasingly debauched and has been shown to lack any type of moral compass.

Most of his morally bankrupt schemes involve his ‘children’ in some way. Perhaps his most disturbing came in Charlie’s Mom Has Cancer, during which, in response to Dee claiming he is losing his memory, he convinces them their mother’s coffin is full of money causing them to dig it up the corpse of their dead mother’s corpse.

Frank’s inhumane treatment of human beings extends beyond his own family, with him regularly displaying immoral behaviour towards his romantic partners. In Frank’s Pretty Woman, he attempts to marry one of the many prostitutes he uses and when she drops dead, leaves her body in a hallway. He was also involved in a brief relationship with Bonnie Kelly and forced her to have an, ultimately failed, abortion which is heavily implied to be the reason for Charlie’s birth. However, Frank strenuously denies this fact.

Depravity Rating: 8.5/10


Student, part-time freelance writer, holder of many questionable opinions and impassioned hater of Lord Of The Rings (disagree? Find me on Twitter, @JoshSandy)