Red Dwarf: The Promised Land Review - 6 Ups & 2 Downs


6. It's The Best Red Dwarf In Years

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Fans can breathe a sigh of relief as this is the tightest script the boys have been in since the mid-90s.

There have been flickers of the past highs in seasons X to XII, but it always seemed creator Doug Naylor was struggling to fit his ambitious stories into the 30-minute runtime of a TV show.

In The Promised Land he finally has room to breathe and there is plenty of laughs, action and emotional moments that flow nicely into one another with some terrific pacing. It seems there is always something new or exciting to discover in every scene.

There are some occasions guaranteed to go down as classic Red Dwarf moments, all the witty one-liners you could ask for and the crew all feel truer to their classic portrayals of the characters.

A trademark of Red Dwarf is the characters getting personality changes and here is no exception with Kryten not going for a servicing meaning his usual intelligence can't ex Machina the boys out of a tight spot, and the much-hyped super-Rimmer is a standout hit.

The later years of the show have never truly managed to live up to its prime run, but this special manages to capture that glory yet again.


Crazy fan of MMA who also loves his films.