Red Dwarf: The Promised Land Review - 6 Ups & 2 Downs

3. The Fan Service Is High, But Not Obnoxious

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It's clear The Promised Land is a 90-minute love-letter to the show, as every single second of it seemingly has some easter egg to the show's past, but it all feels completely in keeping with the narrative at hand and they never steal the spotlight from the film itself.

It's all subtle and diehard fans are going to have an absolute ball with all the tasteful callbacks to the series past. It would have been so easy to make the super-hero Rimmer his alter-ego Ace or have the cat people still be fighting over what color their holy hats were going to be, but they sensibly hold back and don't get in the way of the story being its own entity.

Making sure each reference isn't forced in for the sake of pleasing fans hasn't been the series strongest aspect, but this is one where they have clearly learned to reign it in.

Be it Rimmer stating he always has a pen, a space core directive being quoted or Lister parading in a Hawaiian shirt from series 1, it's all carefully chosen to ensure it's in no way constantly winking to the audience.

Every fan assuredly squealed in delight when the legendary Omm song was quietly snuck in, one of Kryten's most famous gadgets returned and Cat referenced one of his most famous scenes from season 3.


Crazy fan of MMA who also loves his films.