Red Dwarf: The Promised Land Review - 6 Ups & 2 Downs

4. The Comedy Is On Point

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From the very first big gag of the cat people being shown to use giant catflaps instead of doors, the special contains some of the funniest material the crew has had to work within forever.

There's a lot of great character moments, including Rimmer becoming an all-powerful diamond-light hologram, and the Cat discovering there are selfish people in the world that garner huge laughs.

Norman Lovett completely steals the show in a hilarious sequence where he has to save the stranded crew that feels like something ripped straight out of series 1. Kryten also manages to grab many crowd-pleasing points, including his first uninhibited use of a swear word.

There area few gags that feel like they belong in a mediocre 80s sitcom, but they are few and far between and for the entirety of the runtime almost every punchline manages to hit the mark.

Red Dwarf has produced some true belly-laugh gags in it's past, this special definitely adds a few more into the mix.


Crazy fan of MMA who also loves his films.