Rick & Morty: 10 Ways We're All Like Morty

1. Life Is An Adventure

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Adult Swim

We certainly can not compare our life experiences to Mortys, or can we? If we eliminate Rick than Morty is really no different than any one of us. Morty goes through the same things that most teenagers go through whether you are a boy or a girl.

His parents get divorced, he has a hard time getting with the girl he really likes but still manages to find relationships. Morty continues to make new friends and lose some others.

Morty is just as normal as you or me. Most of my friends have divorced parents and I remember every time I experienced rejection from someone I had a crush on. But these are the things that shape us and help us grow as people, the same way that Morty has grown from season one to season four. So our adventures might not be as insane as Morty's but that does not mean that our experiences are any less important or special.

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Self proclaimed master of anime, heathen, and all around good dude. "These bio's make me feel weird... just follow me on twitter or something. Enjoy the read!"