Rick & Morty: 10 Ways We're All Like Morty

8. Everyone Has A Breaking Point

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In the episode Look Who Is Purging Rick continues to tell Morty that he should lighten up and let go. Morty continues to be on the defensive until he eventually snaps, causing him to go into an uncontrollable rage and purge without any hesitation.

Of course, this is an extreme and no one should ever purge. But we are all humans and there is only so much stress that we can take, eventually, some of us explode whether it is by crying, shouting, or venting to someone.

Morty relieved his stress on a purge world and we relieve ours in a more humane way. Still, all of us have a breaking point.

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Rick & Morty
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Self proclaimed master of anime, heathen, and all around good dude. "These bio's make me feel weird... just follow me on twitter or something. Enjoy the read!"