Rick And Morty: 10 Best Jerry Moments (So Far)

6. Beating His And Beth's Mythologs

Rick And Morty Jerry
Adult Swim

The Beth and Jerry mythologs were creatures made in the episode Big Trouble In Little Sanchez by an alien couples counseling program. They were created to represent their perceptions of each other, based on actual brain scans. Jerry viewed Beth as powerful, scary, and controlling, so her mytholog was a horrifying insect monster, and Beth viewed Jerry as weak, dumb, and easily manipulated so his mytholog came out as a squishy, ugly little worm.

This was all just an exercise in understanding each other (and greatly offended both of them) but later in the episode, when the mythologs escape, Beth is captured by her alternate-self who uses her to create an army of slug-Jerrys. The only person who can save her is Jerry.

He triumphantly and bravely appears to confront the monsters which, with the device hooked up to Beth's brain, forces her to create brave, strong Jerry soldiers that help them in battle against the other mythologs. It gets even deeper when Jerry puts the device on his own brave mytholog alternate-self, which creates Beth's perception of Jerry's perception of Beth which just so happens to be an all-powerful goddess that obliterates all the other monsters.

Quite an insane plan by Jerry and further proof that he is fully capable of working under pressure.


Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.