Rick And Morty: 10 Worst Things Morty Has Done
3. Accidentally Sent Zick Zack To Hell

It's time to return to "Morty's Mind Blowers" again, and this time, the titular kid takes it one step further from just ruining someone's life and leading them to suicide. You've got to do something pretty wrong to outdo that.
In this particular memory that's been erased from his head, Rick and Morty are visited by a Floop Floopian named Zick Zack outside of a Mexican restaurant. He asks Rick to kill him, as his species believe in a heavenly afterlife that you can only get to if a decorated warrior kills you.
Whilst Rick tends to some matters in the restaurant, Morty talks with Zick Zack about how great it is that his species knows there's an afterlife. But, this ends up freaking the Floop Floopian out as Morty inadvertently makes him question his religion. So, naturally, he runs away from Rick, who intends to shoot him.
But, instead of escaping danger, he ends up being killed by a car and dragged to his species version of hell. If Morty had said nothing, then Zick Zack would have been living it up in heaven, but he couldn't keep his mouth shut, and now he's doomed to eternal torture.