Rick And Morty: 5 Reasons Rick Sanchez Is A Dark Reflection Of The Doctor
4. 'Normal' Sidekicks

The Doctor
Through his travels, the Doctor has a habit of picking up humans that are seemingly normal but with hidden potential. These human companions help to ease the crushing loneliness of his (almost) immortality.
It is also a good idea to keep a human nearby in case the Doctor starts to lose touch with reality, since he is occasionally prone to heartless acts of violence and villainy "for the greater good".
The Doctor should never travel alone.
Rick Sanchez
It is revealed early on that the reason Rick needed Morty's help so badly was that Morty's stupidity blocks other Ricks from tracking them.
Although Rick claims to be annoyed by Morty and his human moralities, he has continued travelling with Morty long after the Citadel of Ricks were defeated. He even travels with the other members of his family as he increasingly enjoys their companionship.
Common Traits
What's the point of being the smartest organism in the galaxy if you don't have anyone to show off to? Each character brings someone along, partially to expand their minds, but mostly just to pass the time. The first sidekick of both characters was their grandchild. This helps set up the characters as vaguely patriarchal, but it also subverts your expectations when Grandpa absentmindedly puts them both into mortal danger in space.
As well as being an audience point-of-view character, the ordinary sidekicks represent the little guy, and make sure that the small picture doesn't get forgotten by the titanic lead character.