Rick And Morty Season 3: 8 Things We Cannot Wait To See

4. I Don't Give A F*** What You Think, Jerry

Rick and Morty Season 3
Adult Swim

Poor Jerry. He’s such a spineless wimp; a chubby, boneless and submissive worm who bends over for everyone.

Still, he is one of the best and underappreciated characters of the show. Every one of his stories has been hilarious. And his interactions with his sassy children, his damaged wife, and his jerk of a father-in-law are always a highlight of any episode.

With Jerry working for the Galactic Federation and losing his wife, children, and house because of Rick’s freakish allure, it’s more than likely that the sociopathic scientist and weak dad will butt heads.

Adult Swim’s trailer shows Rick and Jerry riding a crazy rollercoaster together. Their skin pulled back and their mouths flapping wildly. At glance, it appears to be an odd instance of the dysfunctional duo for once bonding as opposed to belittling each other.

Yet, the Rick with Jerry has a blood-stained hole in his jumper, along with a Metal Gear-like robotic eye and gun arm. With two Summers shown to be eavesdropping on (likely) him interacting with a Gromflomite - a species affiliated with the Galactic Federation - has Jerry teamed up with his new favourite Rick to get rid of Rick C-137? Plus, how are Tammy and Phoenix Person involved?

Despite not having any answers, the rivalry between Rick and Jerry is sure to only increase and become violent. And it'll be both interesting and thrilling to see if the family and fans remains on Rick's side.


Callum Smith hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.