Rick & Morty: 10 Most Insane Gadgets

8. Meeseeks Box

rick and morty Snuffles
Adult Swim

Since Rick is so much smarter than the rest of the Smith family, he was often bothered by the inane requests for help that he saw as being beneath him. Beth needed the dishwasher fixed, Summer needed help with her homework, and Jerry wanted help opening a jar of mayonnaise.

As a sure fire way to get them to stop bothering him, while having to do absolutely nothing himself, he gave them a Meeseeks Box. Pushing the button created a sentient Mr. Meeseeks being, whose only purpose in life was to complete the task set by the user before dying.

Beth and Summer used their Meeseekses to make themselves a better woman, and more popular at school respectively, while Jerry sent his Meeseeks crazy with trying to take two strokes off his golf game.

Their varying levels of success and murderous rage aside, Rick somehow found a way to create life with the push of a button, and have that life end as soon as a certain task was completed. It's an incredible amount of thinking and technology, and Rick only ever used it to shut his family up.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.