Rick & Morty: 9 Times Rick Was Uncharacteristically Stupid

8. He Created Abradolf Lincler

Ricky And Morty
Adult Swim

Failure is as big a part of science as success. For every experiment undertaken by Rick Sanchez that results in a new gadget or universe altering discovery, there are the ones that don't. There is very much a process of trial and error in place, and while some failures lead to greater successes, some just shouldn't have been attempted in the first place.

One such experiment was Rick's misguided effort to create a morally neutral super leader by crossing the DNA of Abraham Lincoln and Adolf Hitler. The resulting man who went by Abradolf Lincler ended up being a crazed manic, tortured by the duality of his being and not even close to what Rick intended.

Firstly, it seems slightly out of character for Rick to care about any kind of leader and their morality, but the biggest question is, what possible problem could ever be solved by adding Hitler’s DNA?

This was a bad idea from the start and shouldn’t have ever been attempted. Lincler ultimately gave his life trying to get the Kalaxian crystals he thought would save the lives of dozens of people, but if he wasn’t eaten by the testicle monsters that ultimately ended his life, he would have hunted Rick down in a fit of rage and revenge.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.