Riverdale: Ranking All The Main Characters From Worst To Best
10. Reggie Mantle
A recurring character in the show's first season, played by the superb Ross Butler, Reggie has been portrayed by the equally awesome Charles Melton since the second season, after Butler left the show to film 13 Reasons Why.
Initially the high school's recent a-hole jock, he has since had interesting roles to play in the show's bigger storylines, briefly dating Veronica, leading the Dark Circle, and being a constantly engaging character thanks to Melton's smarmy, confident performance. When the writing is working for him, that is.
Again, the Riverdale curse strikes. For all his perks and compelling attributes, Reggie is yet another character who feels underused and underdeveloped, often going long periods before doing anything of note. Like Kevin before him, he is a great character when allowed to shine, but only seems to turn up when the narrative conveniently needs him to mix things up.
Because of this, Reggie is both inconsistent and even forgettable in places, and looking at his potential, that just really, really sucks.