Riverdale Season 3: 4 Ups & 6 Downs From 'Fear The Reaper'

2. Gladys Goes Out Like A Hero

Riverdale Gladys Jones
The CW

Since her arrival in Riverdale, Gladys Jones has gone from a badass mom with a chequered past to a one-dimensional drug lord that spouts cliché lines and empty threats. Thankfully, 'Fear The Reaper' course-corrected all of that and, in doing so, allowed her to return to her former glory just in time for her departure.

From finally admitting her crimes to F.P. (and even defending Jughead) to her ruthless determination to track down her daughter, Gladys highlighted that she was still capable of being that badass mother that we met at the beginning of the season. Best of all, she put her body on the line to save Jellybean in an incredible sai sword fight, proving that there were many more dimensions to her than the one we had seen in recent weeks which ultimately made her eventual departure all the more emotional.

Two weeks ago, few would have been sad to see Gladys go. Now, however, she'd be a more than welcome addition to the Jones family.

If anything, this episode highlighted the character's potential, and it's a shame that she spent so many weeks stuck in the same place as nothing more than a caricature.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.