Riverdale Season 3: 4 Ups & 6 Downs From 'Fear The Reaper'

1. Fred Andrews - A Great Father To The End

Riverdale Luke Perry Fred Andrews
The CW

This episode of Riverdale marked the final appearance of the late, great Luke Perry as Archie's father, Fred Andrews. Due to the sudden nature of Perry's untimely death, the character has yet to be officially written out of the show and, as a result, has sporadically appeared for only a few moments at a time over the last few episodes.

Again, Fred's appearance in this one was brief, but during it, he did what he has always done - provide emotional support for his son.

His final appearance may not have been a larger-than-life farewell, but it was, in many ways, like Perry's role on the show in that it was heartfelt, subtle and nothing short of heart-warming.

We'll miss you, Luke Perry. Rest well.

Now, for the negative...

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.