Riverdale Season 3: 9 Theories On The Gargoyle King's True Identity

8. Penelope Blossom

Riverdale Gargoyle King
The CW

Penelope Blossom has more heel turns to her name than an indecisive professional wrestler so, at this stage, it's simply impossible to trust her. Though there are moments of genuine affection between her and daughter Cheryl, she is almost always out for herself and shows little regard for anyone else. Does this mean that she's the Gargoyle King, though?

Like Penelope herself, this is a hard one to call. She certainly has the motivation for it (the death of her son and losing everything in the fire at Thornhill) and she's always been the outcast when it comes to the parental figures on the show.

That said, it would be a bit of a letdown if she were the one behind the madness this year, simply because she's already been suspected of it on numerous occasions. As we saw in 'The Midnight Club', Penelope was one of the original game-masters of Gryphons & Gargoyles back in 1992 and thus, was the primary suspect in the sudden death of Principal Featherhead. She was then later questioned in the present-day by Betty and once again had to insist that she was innocent.

While it's not unlike Riverdale to go round in circles, would Penelope have really spent the last two decades defending herself just so that everyone could discover that she was lying after all? Well, stranger things have happened Riverdale...

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.