Scream Season 2 Review: 7 Ups & 6 Downs
4. The Characters Are Mind-Numbingly Stupid (Again)
If you'd hoped that the cast of characters might've started to grow brains after the horrors of Season 1, think again, because they're still written to be infuriatingly stupid to the point where you might even actively root for them to die.
Characters routinely visit creepy locations at night on their own or with minimal backup, and Brooke even trots around shady locales in high heels as though it's the most natural and reasonable thing in the world.
It's particularly irritating because, as much as the Scream brand loves to make fun of idiotic horror movie protagonists, the show is absolutely full of characters who, without a lick of irony, thoroughly set themselves up to fail (and often manage to somehow keep on living).
As such, there are only a few characters who will really earn genuine sympathy from more genre-savvy audience members, because given the behaviour of some of them, the killer's basically doing the gene pool a favour.