10 Minor Scrubs Characters Who Were Major Assets

7. Jill Tracy

Jill Tracy (or as she is known to Dr. Cox, Chory McCrazy Chore) was a patient who was admitted to Sacred Heart on multiple occasions for a variety of ailments, which ranged from stress and nausea to the consequences of self-poisoning. Her defining characteristic was her motormouth persona, being a woman of such foot-in-mouth awkwardness and one of the only human beings in the universe who could talk as quickly as Elliot Reid. One of Scrubs€™ most-loved tricks is its ability to roll out a revelatory sucker-punch, and Jill was a character charged with particular pathos, allowing for some of the show€™s most wrenching surprises. Although her attributes were largely cloying, scatterbrained and arguably irritating, she was an endearing and good-natured soul, and her rapport with Elliot and the eventual revelations surrounding her personal life are made more direct for how they reflect upon the likes of J.D. and Dr. Cox. The disparity between her surface cheer and inner turmoil offered one of the best refutations of her doctors€™ cynicism, and made them question their own ethics regarding the famous fifteen-second rule. Also, in episodes such as €˜My Occurrence€™ and €˜My Lunch€™, she was great fun to watch as she flitted from one cringeworthy interaction to the next. Nicole Sullivan did a tremendous job of highlighting Jill€™s sympathetic qualities, and her tragic spirals are made all the more affecting considering how easily most of them could have been prevented. Best Line: €œThe last time I saw you, I was really stressed out, you know, the weight of the world on my shoulders€ So guess what I did? Flushed my fish down the toilet! No more feedings, no more cleaning the bowl, no more being judged for having a second glass of wine€€

Film and Literature student, keen bloggist, and aficionado of most things music, film, and TV. I've also been told I should stop quoting pop-culture as often as I do in everyday conversations.