Secret Invasion Episode 4 Review - 6 Ups & 4 Downs

1. Up - The Many Sides Of Nick Fury

Secret Invasion Nick Fury
Marvel Studios

Ever since he showed his eye-patched face at the end of Iron Man, Samuel L. Jackson has been one of the biggest names in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe. The franchise is lucky that even now, 15 years after his debut as Nick Fury, the Pulp Fiction actor is still portraying the same character.

Jackson has always played Nick Fury as most would expect him to, as a badass who answers to no one. Nick Fury has always been the coolest character in the franchise, but throughout the course of Secret Invasion he has shown more sides to his personality.

He has been the vulnerable, scared old man who has lost just about every ally he could ever count on, but episode four took this a step further. His conversation with Priscilla was arguably one of the heaviest scenes the actor has ever given the MCU, and it was utterly compelling. Fast forward just several minutes and Fury is having a little fun with the Rhodey Skrull, showing off the more playful, comedic side of the character.

There was a wide range of Fury's emotions in this episode, with even his muted response to Talos' death saying more than a passionate display ever could have. It was like he expected it, and that final look before he drove off with the President was like the guilt washing over him. He could have prevented this war before it ever started, but he didn't.

MCU Quiz: How Well Do You Know Nick Fury?

Nick Fury Winter Soldier

1. Which Was The First Marvel Movie Nick Fury Appeared In?


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.