Secret Invasion Episode 4 Review - 6 Ups & 4 Downs

9. Down - Sonya's Omission

Secret Invasion Nick Fury
Marvel Studios

Of all the characters that have appeared in Secret Invasion, from the old to the new, the Skrulls, the humans, and the Skrulls posing as humans, arguably the best so far has been Sonya Falsworth. Olivia Colman has brought her Academy Award-winning talents to the MCU and has hit the ground running.

She has been used fleetingly throughout the series, just a scene or two in each episode without ever really taking the same amount of screen time as some of the others. Even so she has always managed to steal the show.

It's currently unclear exactly how Colman's character will feature in the final third of the series, but surely episode four could have utilised her in some way. Paired with the fact that it was only a 38-minute-long episode, such an omission feels criminal.

All episodes of Secret Invasion, and any subsequent projects in which she may appear further down the line, should feature Olivia Colman. No exceptions. No excuses.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.