Secret Invasion Episode 5 Review - 5 Ups & 4 Downs

1. Up - One Last Mystery

Secret Invasion Nick Fury
Marvel Studios

In case the impending fight between Fury and Gravik isn't enough for you, in case the mystery and intrigue surrounding who you can and can't trust in a series filled with shape-shifting aliens isn't enough for you, Secret Invasion has dropped one last question mark going into the series finale.

As Fury left his secret cubby mausoleum in Finland, all leather and eye-patched up, he made a phone call, simply stating to whoever was on the other line that it was time to end this. But who exactly was the man talking to?

Secret Invasion has made a point of leaving Fury with almost no allies. Maria and Talos are dead, Rhodey has been replaced by a Skrull, and he refuses to call in the big hitters like the Avengers.

He was in Finland with Sonya, he had only just spoken to G'iah, and had seemingly said goodbye to Varra. In theory, all of these names can be scratched off the list. This leaves the option of Rick Mason, but as he had only just been introduced into the series himself, it seems odd to have this tease at the end of the episode for him. So even he is unlikely.

So who exactly is he speaking to? Of course, there's every chance this is a moment that could be blown out of proportion just like many of the details in WandaVision that ultimately led to nothing, but at the very least this is giving the audience something else to ponder before the finale next week. Could it be possible for Daisy Johnson from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. to make an appearance? As Secret Invasion gears up for its finale, there's no doubt some will be holding out hope for a heavy hitter to join the proceedings.

MCU Quiz: Which Movie Is This Nick Fury Scene From?

nick fury
Marvel Studios

1. Which Movie Is This Nick Fury Scene From?


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.