Seinfeld: 10 Worst Things George Costanza Has Ever Done

7. Getting His Boss Sacked

Seinfeld George

Even when George wins, he loses. In “The Diplomat’s Club”, he puts his foot in it majorly when comparing his boss to boxer Sugar Ray Leonard. Accused of racism for the comparison, George spends the rest of the episode skittering around New York City, trying to find a single black person who’ll pretend to be his friend to prove his boss wrong.

Naturally this all goes pear shaped for George - the best he can come up with is an exterminator who once worked in Jerry’s apartment. George’s status as a racist is solidified (though he’s vindicated when a waiter also mistakes boss Morgan for the pugilist).

The following season, George goes one better, getting Morgan fired after a series of inopportune winks (a result of grapefruit in the eye) convinces a senior manager that George is a better man for the job.

He tries to help Morgan out in the latter episode, but a series of catastrophes ends up wrecking the man’s life. George gave it his best shot here - though admittedly, this was out of fear of being promoted and having to do more work, which is his ultimate fate.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ (if you want!)