Seinfeld: 10 Worst Things George Costanza Has Ever Done

6. Stealing A Family Photo

Seinfeld George

Many, if not most, of George’s misdeeds are done in order to cover up previous impropriety, and “The Slicer” is a great example of that. George lands his dream job at an incredibly disorganised company, but fears he has already blown it after he spots himself in the background of a family photo at the beach in his new boss’ office.

George recalls the day in question well: his clothes went missing, he blamed some kids, and naturally threw their boombox in the sea. His only recourse is to steal the family photo and take it to a fixer to have his image airbrushed out.

This backfires, and the boss is removed instead. Next thing you know, George has Kramer posing as a dermatologist so as to get a new shirtless photo of his boss.

If the creepy photo theft wasn’t bad enough, George may very well prevent his new employer from having a potentially cancerous mole checked out. Kramer spots the growth in his guise as Dr Van Nostrand, but in order to ensure his boss sees a proper doctor, George would need to come clean, so naturally he leaves it up to fate.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ (if you want!)