Seinfeld: 10 Worst Things George Costanza Has Ever Done

2. Drugging A Rival

Seinfeld George

Like a lot of George’s wildest bouts of bad behaviour, this one revolves primarily around toilets. In season two episode “The Revenge”, Costanza is reprimanded by his boss Rick for using the executive bathroom. So outraged his he by this denial of freedom that he angrily quits his job.

Instantly he comes to regret this, and so (in a story plucked from the real life of showrunner Larry David) he concocts a plan to return to work the following Monday as though nothing happened. This doesn’t work (though in David’s case, it went off without a hitch).

George decides that the only course of action is to slip narcotics into Rick’s drink in an act of sheer vengeance. Rick ends up reinstating George, and while Costanza briefly experiences a crisis of conscience, after his boss publicly mocks him, he watches with glee as Rick swigs back the spiked beverage.

This is the perfect combination of a petty problem and an excessive act of revenge plotted with righteous indignation. It’s the kind of behaviour that makes George Costanza the secret hero of us all.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ (if you want!)