Seinfeld: 10 Worst Things George Costanza Has Ever Done

3. Cowardice

Seinfeld George

“The Fire” is another episode in which, from the outset, everything seems to be coming up Costanza. At the start, George finds himself in a relationship with a woman he really likes. She has a young son, with whom George has against the odds developed a bond. We find him interacting in a parental fashion with the kid, and even helping to plan a birthday party.

It all has to go wrong, of course, and it does so quite disastrously. At the party, a fire starts in the kitchen. We really get the measure of George here as, without a thought, he charges through the house, screaming and shoving children and the elderly out of his way.

There is a rare moment of self reflection for George here as he confesses to a firefighter that it’s not so easy living with himself, but he’s soon back to his usual self justification (he claims that, by putting everyone on the same level when it comes to fleeing a fire, he’s being progressive).

After Kramer carries out a heroic deed of his own, George tries to redeem himself, but unsurprisingly is unable to do so, He runs from a comic’s prop gun, thereby ending that relationship definitively.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ (if you want!)