Seinfeld: How It Should Be Re-Cast In 2021

5. George Costanza - Nelson Franklin

Seinfeld Recast

Casting George would be the greatest challenge of all. The temptation would be to find someone of Jason Alexander’s basic build and have them do a Costanza impression, but his manner was so distinct that any attempt to ape him would undoubtedly feel second best.

Instead, we’d plump for a distinctly different physical presence. Nelson Franklin is far from a big name, though you’ll have seen him in the likes of New Girl, Veep, The Office and more. He’s a gangly and friendly presence, generally cast as a put-upon nice guy.

He’s got the comedy chops and the ability for a breakthrough, though, and the volatile Costanza could be just the outlet should he be able to channel some of that pent up rage that gurgles in the stomach of any lifelong (TV) punching bag.

Indeed his brief appearance in The Office saw him unload just such a dose of spiteful righteous fury that Alexander made his stock in trade on Seinfeld. Franklin certainly deserves the chance to topline a quality TV series, and could make this role his own while retaining its innate George-ness.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ (if you want!)