Seinfeld Quiz: Who Gave George Costanza These Nicknames?
Just how well do you know Biff, Koko and Art Vanderlay of Vanderlay Industries?

Ever since Seinfeld debuted on Netflix this past October, there's been a rejuvenated interest in that tv show about nothing that has thrust Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld's comedy masterpiece back to the front of the pop culture spectrum. Just how many times have you managed to rewatch the show in the past few months?
After our HARDEST ever quiz on the loveable neurotic George Costanza last week (which you can take for yourself HERE), it’s time to delve deeper into all things Art Vanderlay; that importer-exporter who may also have been an architect and a cover for all kinds of social situations and who was played to perfection by Jason Alexander.
It's also time to look at the many other names George amassed over the years; some that were self-assigned by George himself and others he was branded with by the brush of his friends, family, foes and strangers. But exactly how well can you remember these pseudonyms and aliases that George “Can’t Stand Ya” used over the 180 episodes of Seinfeld and nine incredibly hilarious seasons. And most importantly, can you actually remember who assigned them to George?
Think you know Art Vanderlay of Vanderlay Industries? Take our Seinfeld nicknames quiz below!