Sense8 Season 2: 12 Things To Expect

10. Kala's Married Life And Scientific Skills

Sense8 NEtflix

Kala (Tina Desai) has one messed up love life. In season one, she failed to get out of the arranged marriage she was terrified of, while falling in love with Wolfgang – who lives across the world from her. In the Christmas special, she couldn't even manage to lose her virginity without causing injury. Makes us all feel better about our romantic and sexual embarrassments, I suppose.

Her marriage isn't in the best place, and that's a problem that's going to recur throughout season two. We'll see Kala and Rajan (Purab Kohli) trying to make the marriage work, as she promised to do when we last saw them, but she's still got that hunky German criminal on her mind, which is for sure going to cause trouble. But there's more to Kala than her love story...

It took us until season one's finale to learn just how talented a pharmacist she is. In the coming season, this aspect of the character will be explored further, with Kala's scientific know-how being her main contribution to the team as they continue to learn about their superhuman nature.

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Kieron is a human male from the planet Earth. By day he writes for various publications, including WhatCulture, Starburst, Doctor Who Adventures, and Campfire Graphic Novels, and edits The Big Picture. By night he's either asleep or watching Netflix, depending on what time he has to get up in the morning.