Sex Education: Every Main Character Ranked Worst To Best

Grab your courgettes and get comfortable as we discuss Sex Education!

Sex Education

When thinking of the most topical shows in the current TV climate, Netflix's Sex Education will likely come to mind. That is thanks to the fact that the title acts as a tremendous avenue for discussing relevant social issues such as sexuality, feminism, toxic masculinity and many other subjects. Unlike other shows, it does this in a way that feels organic and honest.

Part of how this show succeeds in its presentation are the well-crafted characters that fill out the cast. They not only act as great avenues for discussing issues but are utterly hilarious and often relatable. This relatability helps to give the audience an easy eye into the series, and compellingly brings the subject matter to life.

Whilst every character has their own pros and cons, certain ones easily rank above the others. Whether it's down to a lack of narrative focus or slightly less defined characteristics, there is a distinct hierarchy of which roles are the most relevant and entertaining.

By comparing these characters we are able to discuss what makes the show work so well, and why these roles are the cream of the crop.

This list will contain some minor spoilers for the first and second season.

9. Jackson Marchetti

Sex Education

Season one and two of Sex Education are almost entirely different entities altogether, as so much changes between the two, and one of the biggest is the character of Jackson. His reason for ranking at the bottom of the list is mostly down to the fact that despite his excellent turn in the show's opening, his second season run was not quite the same.

We first see Jackson as a romantic foil for Otis, and it seems that this will be his character in general. However, soon you begin to learn more about what makes him unique. He is very thoughtful, and although very naive at times, he tries hard to be a decent person. Additionally, the narrative between him and his controlling mother and panic attacks are very engaging.

If it were just season one, he would rank a lot higher, sadly his turn in the second season pales in comparison. After the break-up with Maeve, his purpose in the show became a little wandering. The narrative of him starring as Romeo left a lot to be desired and did not pack the same emotional punch as his development in season one.


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