She-Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode Four Review - 7 Ups & 1 Down

6. Up - Focusing Back On Character

She-Hulk Fourth Wall
Marvel Studios

One of the worst things about episode three was the painfully unfunny side story, in which Dennis was scammed out of a lot of money by Runa, a Light Elf pretending to be Megan Thee Stallion. Even typing that sentence was too much reminiscing about it.

It moved into the realms of the ridiculous, and while disbelief certainly has to be suspended in a show like this, it was good to see more focus back on Jen’s character rather, even if she was slightly overshadowed in this outing.

Tatiana Maslany has been an utter joy to watch as both Jennifer Walters and She-Hulk, and developing her as these two characters is vitally important to the series’ success. Fun stories and magical hijinks are fine, just as long as the character isn’t sacrificed for it.

This is one of the biggest benefits of making a series rather than a movie. Instead of two hours to get to know Jen, fans are getting closer to five overall, which allows for a far greater exploration of who Jen is. Why would you detract from that with such an awful B story like episode three did?


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.