She-Hulk: Attorney At Law Episode Nine Review - 8 Ups & 4 Downs
Okay... what just happened?!

From the very beginning of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, the series set out to be different from anything else in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It was a fourth wall-breaking legal comedy that felt more episodic than any of the previous seven series.
This all culminated in arguably the weirdest half-hour in MCU history, weirder even than anything WandaVision, Loki, or the Multiverse of Madness could boast. Fourth walls had been broken all season, but here they were utterly obliterated.
Right now it’s genuinely difficult to decide whether this strategy paid off or not, which is why there are more Downs than typically there has been over the last nine weeks. Everybody wants something different, but how different is too different?
Even in spite of the unprecedented storytelling in ‘Whose Show is This?’, there were still the hallmarks of a strong She-Hulk episode, as well as a few aspects that weren’t quite so good. All in all, there are mixed emotions after the finale of season one, and it feels as though it may take some time to actually process what just happened.
12. Down - It Was Dream Sequence-Esque

If there is one thing that is infuriating to anyone invested in a story of any kind, it’s the whole ‘it was just a dream’ ending, or any variation of it. You become invested in the story, only for it to be completely wiped away in an instant. This is essentially what happened in the She-Hulk finale.
Arguably, this was the point, as the story that was being told wasn’t great and made little to no sense. But still, it made it hard for viewers to draw the line between what was real and what wasn’t.
The entire feel of She-Hulk played with this throughout season one, with the fourth wall breaks and meta jokes making it impossible to take things too seriously, but ripping the rug from under them like this was arguably a mistake.
The reveal that Todd was the HulkKing was lost in the clamour, as was Emil’s return to his Abomination form. It felt like it was a relatively short episode and too much of it was wasted on something that didn’t truly count or matter.