Sherlock: 10 Best Moments From Series Three

8. Sherlock Holmes Has A Girlfriend?! - His Last Vow

One of the last things anyone expected from Series Three was a girlfriend for Sherlock but in 'His Last Vow' John and the audience were dumbfounded to discover that Sherlock Holmes - the man who finds all sentiment abhorrent to his calculating cranium - was in a relationship with Janine, the bridesmaid from John's wedding. Sherlock, you rascal! Except of course, this was not the case and Sherlock (or 'Sherl' as his ersatz girlfriend called him) was just using Janine to get into her boss' - Charles Augustus Magnussen - office. While none of us really believed things were as they seemed, it's great fun to see Sherlock trying out this whole other persona and John's incredulity at the bizarre situation ('YOU have a girlfriend?' 'Yes, I'm going out with Janine. I would have thought that was fairly obvious') makes the scene ten times more hilarious. Speaking of hilarious...

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