Sherlock: 10 Most Hated Episodes
3. The Final Problem
With the fifth season still up in the air and unconfirmed, The Final Problem will have to serve as the final episode of the series and my, my, is it a final problem indeed. The Sherlock show has become a victim of its own smartness, with every Season Four offering feeling the need to be crazy complex to the point where it's too much. The show has become so ridiculously over-the-top, resulting in mysteries that feel too convoluted to be enjoyable.
Because Moriarty is no longer the show's villain and Magnussen only lasted for one season, The Final Problem's villain is so ludicrous that it comes across as a desperate attempt to outdo the two previous villains. The writers continuously paint themselves into corners because they have clearly lost it and don't give themselves limits to how wild their outings can be.
The entire thing is just a mess — an indulgent, frantic, overwrought, excessive, chaotic, and overdone mess. Unless the writers can prove to return the show to its intelligent-yet-grounded state, The Final Problem is probably better off as the final problem of the series, lest it continues on to go off the rails and release even more absurd and over-the-top episodes.