Sherlock: 10 Worst Things Sherlock Holmes Ever Did

7. Ruining John's Proposal

Sherlock John

It was clear that Sherlock was going to need to return to the world of the living at some point, and letting his dear friend John Watson know that he hadn't died after the incident with Moriarty was an important first step. Sadly, he rather butchered the timing, as by returning to life when he did, he inadvertently ruined Watson's proposal of marriage to Mary.

Imagine this, you lose your closest friend/ally and find yourself struggling to come to terms with it. Soon, you begin to accept that he's gone, and you try your hardest to move on with your life. Then you get thrown a lifeline as you fall in love and begin to work through your past. Eventually, you decide to propose, and just as you do, your "dead" friend reveals himself as alive and ruins it.

Sadly, this is what happened to John Watson, as during the third season's opening episode, Sherlock turned up to the restaurant where Watson was preparing to propose, dressed as a waiter and revealed himself to be alive after being gone for two whole years.

This one wasn't entirely his fault, as he wasn't to know John's plans for the evening. Still, he indirectly ruined what should have been a beautiful moment.

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