Sherlock: 10 Worst Things Sherlock Holmes Ever Did

8. Hurting Molly Time And Time Again

Sherlock John

Molly Hooper was easily the unsung hero of the series. Her assistance at St Bart's Hospital was an essential piece of the show's puzzle, as, without her, many of the mysteries would not have been solved. But, she also played a unique role as the show's down-on-her-luck, awkward, relatable figure, who loved Sherlock. Sadly for her, this was unrequited.

Ever since she started on the show, it was clear that Molly had feelings for Sherlock, and he responded as anyone with a lack of emotional depth would by ignoring them. This did change a little after season two when he seemingly became aware of her feelings towards him, but it didn't stop him from continuing to hurt her. Still, she was able to bring a level of shame and confidence towards him as the series progressed.

Aside from his constant jabs, mocking her and generally treating her as beneath him, it got taken a step further in the final episode. Here, he called Molly and told her that he loved her, which the viewers knew wasn't true. In his defence, he was forced to do this, and he seemed pretty torn up about it, but after everything between them, seeing him lie to her was painful.

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