Sherlock: 13 WTF Moments From The Abominable Bride

1. The Whole Show Is The Dream?

After all these twists and shocks, the screen goes black, the music starts to play and then... they've got one more WTF moment up their sleeve. And it's a doozy. After revealing that the Victorian era was in modern Sherlock's imagination, the final scene presents it the other way around - the modern setting is the imaginings of Victorian Sherlock. This episode has been the only one set in the 'real world' and the rest of the show has been the dream. Most people will take this scene as a last little joke after all the times the rug has been pulled from beneath us in the past 90 minutes, but it is the final scene of the episode which suggests that it is the one that tells the truth. After all, it can't be explained away - why would modern Sherlock imagine this scene, it doesn't impact on solving the mystery? So it seems that the show we have loved for the past five years really is just a story made up by the original Sherlock. Mind (Palace) Blown. What did you think of The Abominable Bride? Leave your thoughts below!

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